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How many quarters are there in men's college basketball?

How many quarters are there in men's college basketball?

by tbes50203 on Oct 7th, 2024 16:04 PM

Hey everyone, I have a question that I've been wondering about for a while: how many quarters are there in college basketball? I always thought it was like in the NBA, where games are divided into four quarters of 12 minutes. But recently someone said it's different in colleges. I'd like to get to the bottom of this issue, as it can affect the perception of matchups and the strategy of teams. Share your knowledge!


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Joined: 12.06.2024

Re: How many quarters are there in men's college basketball?

by thiefcrazy98 on Oct 7th, 2024 19:36 PM

Yes, you're absolutely right, the format of college basketball is different than the NBA. A lot of people ask the question How Many Quarters in Basketball? In the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) games are divided into two 20 minute halves, and this really changes many aspects of the game. Each half lasts 20 minutes, which adds up to 40 minutes of playing time, as opposed to 48 minutes in the NBA. This difference has a noticeable effect on the style of play. For example, because of the long halves, coaches must think about their strategies to manage players' stamina, especially at the end of games. In the NBA, where teams can use short quarters to rotate more heavily, the NCAA has to make more use of timeouts. This helps teams stay fresh and focused, especially when tension peaks at the end of the half. In addition, college basketball has its own peculiarities about fouls. Once a team accumulates seven fouls, the opponent gets free throws. This requires coaches to monitor their players' fouls very closely. One of the keys to the strategy is to manage the fouls of key players to avoid getting them suspended and keep the team in fighting shape.


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Re: How many quarters are there in men's college basketball?

by EvanDuke on Oct 7th, 2024 20:28 PM

It's very interesting to discuss things like this. I'm an NCAA fan myself and I've always been amazed at how college basketball can generate such passion in viewers. For me, as a fan, this format is really special. There is something incredible about the atmosphere in the stands when everyone is supporting their teams.


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Re: How many quarters are there in men's college basketball?

by SalvaHig on Oct 9th, 2024 17:15 PM

In college basketball, they actually play two 20-minute halves instead of four quarters like in the NBA. I remember when I first got into college hoops, it threw me off a bit because I was used to the NBA format. The two halves definitely change how teams manage their energy and strategy throughout the game, making it feel a bit more intense, especially in those final minutes. If you're following matchups, it’s good to keep that in mind!


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