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Spanish for Beginners

Spanish for Beginners

by furduglas@gmail.com on Sep 30th, 2022 17:20 PM

Hello. There's something I want to find here- a good website to learn some Spanish phrases and simple grammar. And I need your help with it.


Posts: 121

Joined: 21.02.2022

Re: Spanish for Beginners

by Promethan Permutation on Sep 30th, 2022 17:39 PM

You want to find it and I can share it, no problems. Here, for instance, a page that covers to get in spanish https://spanishgrammarlessons.com/worksheets/spanish-verbs/spanish-verb-to-get/ . I think that it is more than enough to convince you to use this website from now on.

Promethan Permutation

Posts: 50

Joined: 23.02.2022

Re: Spanish for Beginners

by furduglas@gmail.com on Sep 30th, 2022 17:46 PM

Thanks. I guess it seems like a decent option. I will use it here and there. Great.


Posts: 121

Joined: 21.02.2022

ICO List

by chaseyourseo on Oct 10th, 2022 10:23 AM

Since the ICO sector represents a new industrial setting, it is unclear whether and how the findings documented in IPOs apply to ICOs. We show that the ICO List sector features similar dynamics as the IPO context, echoing the findings of Howell et al. 


Posts: 56

Joined: 22.03.2022

Re: Spanish for Beginners

by Jack89 on Apr 13th, 2023 12:03 PM

To avoid mowing too short, you should set your lawnmower to a higher cutting height. A good rule of thumb is to never cut more than one-third of the grass blade at a time. This will allow the grass to grow strong and healthy and will require less maintenance. https://lawninsight.com/best-lawn-aerator/


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Joined: 15.03.2023


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