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start using Asset Panda

start using Asset Panda

by natalie183 on Oct 30th, 2024 11:22 AM

I’m considering Asset Panda for managing our assets and would love to hear from others who have used it. How easy was it to set up and start using Asset Panda? Did you need any additional training, or was the platform intuitive?


Posts: 25

Joined: 12.06.2023

Re: start using Asset Panda

by kristengomez on Oct 30th, 2024 12:01 PM

We did have a brief orientation session to familiarize everyone with the features and functionalities, but overall, the learning curve was minimal. Asset Panda also offers various resources, including tutorials and documentation, which were helpful during our initial setup. Additionally, if you’re looking into integrations with other systems, I recommend checking out https://www.makini.io/integrations/assetpanda solutions for Asset Panda for added functionality and support.


Posts: 22

Joined: 13.06.2023

Re: start using Asset Panda

by jamescrook on Oct 30th, 2024 14:43 PM

Setting up Asset Panda was a smooth experience for us. The platform is designed to be intuitive, and I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly our team adapted to it. We did provide some basic training sessions, but most team members were able to navigate the platform with ease after just a short introduction.


Posts: 22

Joined: 12.06.2023


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