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Re: Quake 2

Re: Quake 2

by nils16 on Dec 15th, 2013 16:55 PM

Choose a different mirror.


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Joined: 25.11.2013

Re: Quake 2

by PacmanJ on Dec 17th, 2013 11:52 AM

I tried. Same issue :cry:


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Joined: 15.12.2013


Re: Quake 2

by ise on Dec 17th, 2013 13:44 PM

"PacmanJ" wrote:
I tried. Same issue :cry:

Go to this site with your normal computer: https://sites.google.com/site/quake2and ... aldownload

Download the demo.exe, unzip it on your computer and copy the pak0.pak to your SD card in your phone, like it is stated on the webpage.

Then start Quake2 on your phone and play it.


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Joined: 12.12.2013


Re: Quake 2

by Hippsn on Dec 17th, 2013 21:24 PM

"ise" wrote:
I have a snakebyte idroid and it works like a charm in keyboard mode with the key configuration from Stefan posted at the download page of Quake2.

No need for rooting or any other modifications. Running on a Nexus 4 with Android 4.4.2.

Fire, menu, crouch, walking, jumping, everything was working right from the start without any further modifications. Thanks for the excellent configuration file, can only recommend to use the config file and an idroid gamepad from snakebyte.

Played it nearly an hour and the immersion is amazing. :)

Hy, I have a Galaxy Note /Note 2
The idroid pad works only in gamepad mode on both phones.
I have the txt. file by stefan placed as a ctg. file in baseq2 folder.
Nothing happened.
Please, can you explain details? Thx



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Joined: 13.12.2013

Re: Quake 2

by ise on Dec 18th, 2013 15:43 PM

"Hippsn" wrote:

Hy, I have a Galaxy Note /Note 2
The idroid pad works only in gamepad mode on both phones.
I have the txt. file by stefan placed as a ctg. file in baseq2 folder.
Nothing happened.
Please, can you explain details? Thx


The config file from Stefan only works if you connect your idroid in keyboard mode to your phone. Otherwise the cfg is ignored by Quake 2, because it only defines the keys from the keyboard.

So, connect your idroid in keyboard mode to you phone, copy the config file to the baseq2 folder, start NativeSensor app, then Quake 2 app and you are good to go. Jumping is 'A', fire is right back trigger with number 1, crouching is somewhere on the left back triggers, doesn't know it right now and can't look at the moment. That's it. Works right from the start, no need to configure anything in Quake 2 directly. I don't have activate the joystick support in Quake 2 because the gamepad acts like a keyboard.


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Joined: 12.12.2013


Re: Quake 2

by nils16 on Dec 18th, 2013 17:17 PM


Well It wasnt working in Keyboard at all now. So I Unisntalled Quake2.
Deletet the baseq2 folder in my Internal storage (on SD Card there is no such folder.)

U uinstalled again the APK and unter Tools I downloades the File. But then it come:
Error;java.util.zip.ZipExeption: Not a Zip archive

I tryed now several times. Very frustrating. I wanna play this game!

Any advice?


before it was working expect for the controller...
Samsung Galaxy s4 (CM11) Android 4.4.2


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Joined: 25.11.2013

Re: Quake 2

by PacmanJ on Dec 18th, 2013 22:24 PM

"ise" wrote:
[quote="PacmanJ":w0tg04fw]I tried. Same issue :cry:

Go to this site with your normal computer: https://sites.google.com/site/quake2and ... aldownload

Download the demo.exe, unzip it on your computer and copy the pak0.pak to your SD card in your phone, like it is stated on the webpage.

Then start Quake2 on your phone and play it.[/quote:w0tg04fw]

Thank You. It works. @nils16 try it this way too! Ihad the same Problem.


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Joined: 15.12.2013


Re: Quake 2

by nils16 on Dec 19th, 2013 13:07 PM

Thank you. So I copied the pak0.pak in the baseq2 folder on my phone.
Aswell the CFG file for the controller.

Now Quake2 works.

But the snakebyte idroid:con Controller doesn`t work at all... :?

Thats what I did:

Controller: Press "A"+"Power button". Then behind the LED blinks on the controller.
Enable bluetooth on my phone. And connect with the controller. Now the LED Number 3 is on permanently.

Start Native Sensors APP. Minimize it
Launch Quake2 App

(In gamepadmode X Button, I can walk foward and backwards).

But nothing happens with the controller...


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Joined: 25.11.2013

Re: Quake 2

by Hippsn on Dec 19th, 2013 22:50 PM

"ise" wrote:
Hy, I have a Galaxy Note /Note 2
The idroid pad works only in gamepad mode on both phones.
I have the txt. file by stefan placed as a ctg. file in baseq2 folder.
Nothing happened.
Please, can you explain details? Thx


The config file from Stefan only works if you connect your idroid in keyboard mode to your phone. Otherwise the cfg is ignored by Quake 2, because it only defines the keys from the keyboard.

So, connect your idroid in keyboard mode to you phone, copy the config file to the baseq2 folder, start NativeSensor app, then Quake 2 app and you are good to go. Jumping is 'A', fire is right back trigger with number 1, crouching is somewhere on the left back triggers, doesn't know it right now and can't look at the moment. That's it. Works right from the start, no need to configure anything in Quake 2 directly. I don't have activate the joystick support in Quake 2 because the gamepad acts like a keyboard.[/quote:h0ftnpa0]

Hy ise,
I had connect it in keyboard mode. I don't know what i did wrong, at moment i tried it again and suddenly it works. :roll:
Really Cool :o :shock: :lol:
Thank you for your help.
Best regards


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Joined: 13.12.2013

Re: Quake 2

by nils16 on Dec 21st, 2013 11:53 AM

My snakebyte idroid:con controller still don`t work in keyboard mode.
I uninstalled the "Swiftkey Keyboard" and set for testing US Language as recomended: http://www.christcenteredgamer.com/inde ... on-android

But nothing happens in any game. Is there a App I can test it?

I use CM11 Android 4.4.2 on a Galaxy s4

Any advice? Thank you

Edit: Now it works! I connected my controller with a other phone. Then i reconnected with my s4, and now it connect with a Keyboard Icon on my s4! Before there wasn`t any keyboard Icon... So strange

Quake 2 looks great! Is it correct that i only can walk forward and backward? No left Right???
Also I have a drift to the right side...

I have to sit on my office chair which I can rotate... But after a few minutes I have to make a brake, I`m getting ill.


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