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Re: [Beta] Space Arena
Re: [Beta] Space Arena
by hannemann on Dec 22nd, 2013 22:16 PM
I tried the Game with an idroid in controller mode. No chance to get out of the bay. The ship turns the whole time and crashes instantly.
Do you have any hints?
Looks very promising so far! Keep on going...hannemann
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Joined: 22.12.2013
Re: [Beta] Space Arena
by Marc on Dec 23rd, 2013 00:38 AM
tested it on a galaxy S3 with a snakebyte idroid;con controller. Played it for over half an hour. No problems. Just works fine....no drifting and the after i mapped my buttons and axis..it was the first real game experience...very good job man! I really like space games..just hitting the fire buttonhow do i choose a target, what do the colours mean ? Green, blue red and so on..did not test the server mode...have no other friend with a dive
Please keep up the good work!
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Joined: 17.12.2013
Re: [Beta] Space Arena
by Salmo on Dec 23rd, 2013 01:39 AM
"hoeybaby" wrote:
i know this is off topic but it would be nice to see some developers focus on one type of phone for example gs4.. that way we can see the full power without problems.. if i was Samsung, i would hire developers just to make hardcore games just for the galaxy.. That way people would see great quality console games that would probably boost sales for the phone and everyone would want to have one just like when Iphone came out. with games coming out for all android devices there is always a limitation depending on how powerful the phone is. its nice for everyone to be able to play the game on their android device yet people who buy high end android phones never get to see the quality of their phone until couple years later after everyone have gotten a good phone, but by then i will have a more powerful phone that wont see its true potential until another couple years later..
I'm not against higher graphics. Its possible to use same system as on pc and turn on / off demending options (for example shadows, that i've tried but had low framerate)
The problem is that i have a gs3...Salmo
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Joined: 26.11.2013
Re: [Beta] Space Arena
by Salmo on Dec 23rd, 2013 08:17 AM
Added explaination on the game in the first post
Posts: 21
Joined: 26.11.2013
Re: [Beta] Space Arena
by appie21 on Dec 24th, 2013 14:44 PM
The game work and itis funt to play!
Did you all write it in Unity?appie21
Posts: 35
Joined: 16.12.2013
Re: [Beta] Space Arena
by pulverfass on Dec 25th, 2013 00:28 AM
Hello there,
so I tested this game with my N4 today and a Bluetooth Controller i got from amazon for around 20 Bucks.
First things first:
It is the best and most advanced game I found 4 the Dive today. And it is a fun to play. Even if it is only a WIP.
I played 4 About 1 Hour straight. No Drifting no Glitches it works as it was a full prodct.
Bugs I found:
There are some Menus that will only show up on the right eye.
The KI can be tricked easy to fly into things and die. Those Collisions make no Damage to Motherships or other things.
Things I really miss:
Sounds 4 everything I can activate like shield, hits, boost ..... etc.
A little better looking Cockpit ^^you see it all the time so it should be more eyecandy. I think thats just not what was important till now ^^.
The Aiming and the Crosshair is a bit to rough. Maybe its a good idea to make it a bit good looking. These Aim is always in your sight so little change big effect.
Also a Sound would be nice the Moment a enemy is looked. And Normally I would think that incoming Missiles should be tagged and marked from wich direction they come.
Thats it 4 now. But with this great Base there is a way 4 a really good and Fun Space VR Shooter. I'm really glad you brought us this. Carry on Please!!!
Ahh and Merry christmas got to go to sleep now.pulverfass
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Joined: 16.12.2013
Re: [Beta] Space Arena
by jpslara on Dec 27th, 2013 14:23 PM
Hi, I have tested Space Arena on my S3, and work fine and I like it.
As somebody said, there are a problem with drift, this make dificult to follow the game.
Perhaps some menus could be centered vertically, in my S3, top menu option were dificult to see.
On the other hand, could be useful some kind of radar on the control panel to see other ships position.
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Joined: 27.12.2013
Re: [Beta] Space Arena
by underattack86 on Dec 30th, 2013 16:48 PM
I tried this on my HTC One and it worked great. I mapped the joystick stuff to a bluetooth keyboard and it did the job, I had a good time aiming with my head and rolling around in space. Got a little dizzy after a while, which I think is a good thing. Looking forward to getting a proper gamepad and trying it with better controls.
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Joined: 17.12.2013
Re: [Beta] Space Arena
by jpslara on Dec 30th, 2013 22:57 PM
Hello again, I must rectify, previously I said that there was drifted on the orientation, but in reality what happens is that cockpit orientation seems to be fixed to a predefined point, that does not match my real orientation at the time of start the game. In my case, the cockpit appears oriented 90 degrees to my right. As I sit in a chair, I must stand up and turn around to look at the 90th front of the cockpit. That said, you could put any way to change the orientation of the cockpit to take real and not having to turn the chair?
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Re: Space Arena
by Salmo on Mar 2nd, 2014 10:29 AM
i've published an updated version on google play, with improved graphics
Let me know what you think
the drift issue is not resolved as it is a problem from the Dive plugin
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Joined: 26.11.2013
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