Dive Board
Re: Space Arena
Re: Space Arena
by a101010 on May 2nd, 2014 23:28 PM
I'm trying to use Space Arena with the BTController app from Droidbean.
The main joystick works fine.
I configured a second joystick (shows card suites in the BTController test window instead of arrows when I manipulate it), but Space Arena doesn't recognize it.
To exit, I wind up having to configure two game axes with the same controller axis. (No way to cancel?)
Button mappings don't seem to work well.
Button 'A' selects, but in the configuration all I ever get is "Fire1". I get it with button A, B, X, Y.
Left 1/Right 1, Start, and Select don't seem to do anything. Nor do keyboard keys.a101010
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Re: Space Arena
by madfortech on May 5th, 2014 16:35 PM
Hi ,
I've been testing you're game with the Moga pro controller and the moga universal driver app to map keyboard keys to the controller and it works a treat. The only issue I am having so far is as another user said already, when the game starts the cockpit seems to orietate to a pre defined point. This is not a problem if you play standing up but playing Sat down on the couch is not good. I like the idea of being able to play Sat down and look around independantly from my direction of travel. The app Go Show automatically orientated itself to your position on start up, maybe you could implement this into your game. Other than this one problem, so far I have found Space Arena to be my favourite Dive experience by far. Fyi I am using a HTC One (M7) on 4.3.
If I can help you in anyway with testing etc please let me know.
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Joined: 03.05.2014
Re: Space Arena
by Salmo on May 9th, 2014 09:11 AM
concerning the controller issue i'm not sure how to solve it, since, i used the mapped buttons in unity. So if all the buttons of the controller are recognised as "Fire1", i don't know how to differentiate them...
Regarding the head orientation at the beginning, it's a problem associated with the drift. On my GSIII, it sometimes start in the right direction and sometimes not, depending on where the drift is... I guess I could try to implement the work-around that has been discussed in another thread to see if it solves it, until a better solution is encoded in the dive plug-in.
In any case, I've had very little time to keep on with the development of the game. If any-one is proposing his help, I can share the code.
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Re: Space Arena
by madfortech on May 9th, 2014 09:50 AM
Hi Salmo,
Not sure about the drift issue but I would be happy to take a look at the controller issue if you want to share the code with me.
I'm thinking a second control option with keyboard keys pre assigned to each button / axis. People can then map there controllers accordingly. Also I know on the Moga Pro Power A both sti is are seen as the same axis.
Anyway I'd love to take a look
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Joined: 03.05.2014
Re: Space Arena
by Salmo on May 11th, 2014 18:25 PM
well the controls are already mapped to keyboard :
axis 1: up-down
axis 2: left rigth
axis 3: o-p
then buttones: 1, 2, ... to 0
so this can be used as an alternative if people can map the controller as a keyboard
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Joined: 26.11.2013
Re: Space Arena
by decoydk on May 16th, 2014 16:40 PM
Best game for the dive in my openion. Awsome! I got 5 flight hours over the last 2 days.
I tested it with a Samsung gamepad, worked fine except I was a button short.
1 thing that bothered me was that locking on to the right target, seems targeting picks a random plane inside the aiming circle, rather than locking on to the one closest to the center crossair. This makes for a big problem when targeting picks a friendly and you can't get it shifted... maybe friendly targeting is not a good idea either.
I think it would be really cool if low health affects the cockpit, a bit of sparks, maybe a zap to the pilot body when you take a hit that puts you below 30-50 health.
allso maybe a few defence guns on Motherships?
Thanks for making a great gamedecoydk
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Re: Space Arena
by jpslara on Jul 27th, 2014 13:46 PM
Hi Salmo,
I have tested again this game with my Idroid snakebyte gamepad, and I have notice that you had control over all buttons from snakebyte gamepad in basic gamepad configuration (power on + X on strart up). I had tried to use this buttons with unity 4.5.0f6 and I only get working buttons X,Y,A and B, but I don't get input from other buttons in unity.
My questions are:
Can you tell me how you control input from unity for this gamepad?
What unity version you used to develop this game?
Thank you the for this game.jpslara
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Re: Space Arena
by JustMeDaFaq on Jul 27th, 2014 14:13 PM
"jpslara" wrote:
Hi Salmo,
I have tested again this game with my Idroid snakebyte gamepad, and I have notice that you had control over all buttons from snakebyte gamepad in basic gamepad configuration (power on + X on strart up). I had tried to use this buttons with unity 4.5.0f6 and I only get working buttons X,Y,A and B, but I don't get input from other buttons in unity.
My questions are:
Can you tell me how you control input from unity for this gamepad?
What unity version you used to develop this game?
Thank you the for this game.
I assume the developer used unity 4.2.2 or lower, since unity 4.3 theyres a problem with the idroid:con, nothing you can do about it :/JustMeDaFaq
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Re: Space Arena
by Salmo on Aug 2nd, 2014 12:23 PM
yes i used 4.2.2, I upgraded to 4.3 during game development and had to revert back because buttons form the idroid weren't working anymore
Posts: 21
Joined: 26.11.2013
Re: Space Arena
by Salmo on Oct 17th, 2014 13:40 PM
Hi every-body
after a looonnng pause, i'm starting developping this game again.
So far, the ideas I have :
- redesign graphics (i'm starting by that):
- motherships first. Current models are bad
- cockpit : add more details, change the screens and cooldown to something more TV like
- Aiming system is ugly
- add more "stuff" to make the game look richer, make the battles more epic and increase the depth perception (looks pretty flat still)
- I'm planning on trying to implement some kind of barrel warp to reduce the nausea effect
-> I might posts some concepts / designs to get feedback
- gameplay:
- remove friendly target and heal: it just doesn't make sense technically
- feedback is welcome on this subject
- Longevity:
- Review and expand the arcade with more modes: defense, offense, ...
- add a campain : this is still unclear, it could be just a bunch of missions, but it could be more, with a story. This would take a lot of time
globabally, the game needs more longevity, fun / insteresting things to do over a longer period of time (unlock various weapons, updgrades, skills depending on progression, unlock new fighters with different capabilities, ...)
- redesign the way multiplayer works. There doesn't seem to be any server open at any time (though I haven't checked recently). I needs to be made easier. I'm not sure how to achieve that, as I can't host a permanent server on my computer
I'm not completely sure about the future also in terme of model, I might also make the next version not free, in order to cash up on a bit on all my time investment
If you have any ideas / feedback, i'm greatly interested
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