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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by Primus86 on May 9th, 2014 02:01 AM

hello guys , i just tried twomon wireless and is GREEEAT no lag at all! and they have twomonusb i it seem works better , what do you think ?!!??


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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by Stefan on May 9th, 2014 03:09 AM

Trying now ;)


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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by Segich on May 10th, 2014 21:16 PM

"Primus86" wrote:
hello guys , i just tried twomon wireless and is GREEEAT no lag at all! and they have twomonusb i it seem works better , what do you think ?!!??

Share apk file, please =)


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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by cerchez07 on May 16th, 2014 11:45 AM

i've tried both twomon and thomonusb.
twomon suffers from the usual lag and frameskipping.
twomonusb on the other hard works pretty good.
i've tested on a nexus 4 by watching a movie streamed from my pc.
the image quality on twomonusb wasn't as good as if i'd run the movie from my phone but i will try to mess a litlle with the settings and see what i get.


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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by stlinzr on May 27th, 2014 03:26 AM

hey guys, why don't we try wifi 5g? my phone is s4, and i'm using the Wireless router which can support 802.11 ac, tested,at least it can reach 284mbps (almost 35.5m/s,my router just have 300mbps,if you use 450m , 600m or more,40-50m/s may came true) ,when playing 1080p movie, with low lag(tested),now the question is when i just playing cs or others, how could i control dive to change view and using wiimote or something else to control the Front sight? and can t-3d support 3D Instructor 2 ? This game is awesome!


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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by goldennboy on Jun 4th, 2014 22:34 PM

"gioy808" wrote:

Dowload the Script for Mouse Emulation from Attachement .( I explain later )


the attachments are no longer available - just like the images. Could you please reupload them? Thanks.


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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by GeekNFreak on Jun 10th, 2014 11:24 AM

I used Splashtop Streamer & Vireio Perception they seem to work great and both appear to be free.


When splashtop pops up with the cannot run in fullscreen games don't click okay and then alt tab back into the game. Seems to work for me on Windows 7.

Also when playing Half Life 2 episode 2 I noticed a little lag and thought it was the wifi but it was Vireio Perception. You might need to lower the resolution on the PC but other graphics seem to be fine such as detail and view distance.


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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by nente002 on Jun 10th, 2014 12:23 PM

Okay I have it running now I have half life in SBS view! Now to set up tracking and so on.. exciting times!! :D :D :D

So you do not use tridef 3d?
I try to play half life 2 but I can't get the screen correct. (no sbs) I can stream all just fine but no sbs.

What is your config to get this running?

Okay I'm now playing around with Oculus rift demo's and to my surprise they run! (at least one does: Chilling Space)
Now the question is can we emulate or trick these Oculus rift games to accept the censor data form our phones, so that when you look around you really look around?


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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by LeeWillRockYou on Jun 13th, 2014 14:29 PM

Thanks for the rift game heads up! It would be great if we could compile a list of compatible vertical mouse rift games.


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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide

by Sipheren on Jun 27th, 2014 08:39 AM


I just ordered a Dive and have been reading up on how to stream games from my PC to my HTC One.

I have it all working for the most part, just one thing I am curious about. When I enable SBS 3D the aspect ratios of the 2 screens is all distorted (stretched height wise), is there a way to fix this or is this just how it works?

Also, I am using Vireio for testing (it's free) but will get TriDef once the Dive arrives, is this the best 3D converter to use? Does TriDef have options to alter the aspect ratio or something?

I am using both Limelight and Kainy for streaming, both work great. I will use FreePIE for headtracking.


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