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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by Sipheren on Jul 24th, 2014 08:09 AM
My Dive arrived this week and I was able to test out streaming games to it, my experience so far is not to bad. I am finding my eyes feel strained after using the Dive so I have ordered some larger lenses to help with this (hopefully).
As for my setup I have found Kainy to be the best all rounder to use, Limelight works well but I keep getting network speed issues for some reason, might need some more messing with.
Kainy on the other hand just works and has very little lag. Using FreePIE to send gyro data to games works, but can be a bit twitchy and sometimes moves on it's own. I also got data to send to TrackIR games, works ok but I think it needs some more setup us the axies seem off.
Haven't tried a FreeTrack game yet.
All in all it shows a lot promise, if I can get the lenses to be less blurry and bigger I think it could be very cool.Sipheren
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by Amantis on Jul 25th, 2014 17:18 PM
"Sipheren" wrote:
Using FreePIE to send gyro data to games works, but can be a bit twitchy and sometimes moves on it's own.
This happens with me on the script given on the website, this script works much better.def update():<br /> global yaw<br /> global roll<br /> global pitch<br /> yaw = -android[0].googleYaw<br /> roll = -android[0].googleRoll<br /> pitch = android[0].googlePitch<br /><br />if starting:<br /> yaw = 0<br /> roll = 0<br /> pitch = 0<br /> enabled = False<br /> android[0].update += update<br /><br />diagnostics.watch(yaw)<br />diagnostics.watch(roll)<br />diagnostics.watch(pitch)<br /><br />deltaYaw = filters.delta(yaw)<br />deltaPitch = filters.delta(pitch)<br />deltaRoll = filters.delta(roll)<br /><br />if math.fabs(deltaYaw) >= math.pi:<br /> deltaYaw = 0<br /><br />if (enabled):<br /> mouse.deltaX = -deltaYaw*600<br /> mouse.deltaY = -deltaRoll*1000<br /><br />toggle = keyboard.getPressed(Key.M)<br /><br />if toggle:<br /> enabled = not enabled
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by nils16 on Jul 25th, 2014 18:43 PM
Hi All.
I`m a huge fan of Flight Simulator. I use Prepear3d V2.2 now on my "high end PC". http://www.prepar3d.com/ is a further developement of FSX.
Would It be possible to play it on the Durovis Dive?
I have a Samasung Galaxy S5. How can headtrack work in the Virutal Cockpit?
I use a Joystick to fly.
Thank you very much.nils16
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by Sipheren on Aug 8th, 2014 01:39 AM
So I have made some small mods to my Dive. My end goal will be to have a large HDMI LCD that can be fitted to the front of the Dive when I am home (for playing PC games) and then removed and the Dive door re-fitted to use it as normal again (with my Mobile). My progress (early testing
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by nente002 on Aug 8th, 2014 09:56 AM
Very cool!
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by loxai on Aug 9th, 2014 00:32 AM
There is a new alternative in town, which I'm currently developing and is available for beta testing (at http://oddsheepgames.com/?page_id=134). It is specially designed for VR, so it reduces the software and configuration requirements, while adding other VR specific features. And performance is getting quite good. I reach 40fps with 25ms lag at 640x720... or go to the extreme of 960x1080 resolution (higher than Oculus Rift devkit1!) at 20fps and 60ms lag (not that good, but image quality is rather high).
Let me know your results if you go ahead and try
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by nente002 on Aug 12th, 2014 11:52 AM
"Sipheren" wrote:
So I have made some small mods to my Dive. My end goal will be to have a large HDMI LCD that can be fitted to the front of the Dive when I am home (for playing PC games) and then removed and the Dive door re-fitted to use it as normal again (with my Mobile). My progress (early testing)
What are the specs of your display? I was thinking of doing something like what you are doing.
Can't find a 1080P 6" display anywhere. OR what about the 2K LG G3 display I can find the screen with touch screen digitizer on the web for 160$ but then you need a controller.
And I really do not know if there is a controller for sale the is compatible with this screen, I do not know if there is a standard LCD protocol.
Or you need to get a controller for that specific screen, or just a controller that can handle that kin of resolution. does anybody know?nente002
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by Sipheren on Aug 12th, 2014 22:40 PM
"nente002" wrote:
[quote="Sipheren":1dy7p2ko]So I have made some small mods to my Dive. My end goal will be to have a large HDMI LCD that can be fitted to the front of the Dive when I am home (for playing PC games) and then removed and the Dive door re-fitted to use it as normal again (with my Mobile). My progress (early testing)
What are the specs of your display? I was thinking of doing something like what you are doing.
Can't find a 1080P 6" display anywhere. OR what about the 2K LG G3 display I can find the screen with touch screen digitizer on the web for 160$ but then you need a controller.
And I really do not know if there is a controller for sale the is compatible with this screen, I do not know if there is a standard LCD protocol.
Or you need to get a controller for that specific screen, or just a controller that can handle that kin of resolution. does anybody know?[/quote:1dy7p2ko]
Yeah, it took a fair amount of research to figure out what the best way to go was, wanted to use an LCD from a phone but it's harder to find the correct control board. In the end I was recommended this LCD: 5.6inch 1280x800 Panel HV056WX1-100, from what I have read (and now seen) this is a great little panel and the resolution is pretty good for VR (would prefer 4K but nothing is available that I can find within price range).
So I went to eBay and found a control board that comes with that LCD (buy a pre done kit, the LVDS cables are not easy to make).
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/181335676746 ... 1497.l2649
I have now made the parts in 3ds Max and they are being printed, I will update once everything is working.Sipheren
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by nente002 on Aug 13th, 2014 10:58 AM
Looking good there!! Nice clean design! 4K will be the bomb. I have a year to go until I can get a new phone.. So who knows the LG g4 Might be out then with a 4k screen.
Keep us posted on you project!nente002
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by kwest on Aug 28th, 2014 01:00 AM
I just wanted to chime in and say that I solved the Tridef aspect ratio issue (at least for half-life 2).
I downloaded the override reg files and left it at 1920*1080 for Tridef Ignition.
Then I launched HL2 and set the in-game resolution to 1600*1200. Voila; no more spaghetti like characters. Poor Alyx is thin enough already.
What this does is it launches the game in 16:9, filling the entire screen, but letting you change to a 4:3 resolution in-game and still fill the entire screen (as if it was 16:9).. thus correcting the aspect ratio problem.kwest
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