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Demos Demos Demos

Demos Demos Demos

by parzival on Jun 7th, 2014 21:31 PM

It's Christmas in July...umm well ok June. Anyways i have a bunch of demos for you guys that i built over the past few days. Enjoy! (and as always please commend and let me know how they run for you)

building on the same asset pack as my Halloween Demo BooVR , i built these other levels. I need to do a little more optimizing on these, still running a tad bit slow on my Galaxy S5.
- DiveToon: https://mega.co.nz/#!L9YyXQTA!as2ius-d4 ... kJDp6iStB8
- DiveDesert: https://mega.co.nz/#!uwwyDaia!KhK3RFBF1 ... k1TIeWPPsc
- DiveIce: https://mega.co.nz/#!25hXXIbb!dDiTCQ0oT ... r7SOcA0NBU

Next i have a daytime and a nighttime beach scene:
- DiveBeach-Daytime: https://mega.co.nz/#!CsokgQob!k6tOnh5fa ... UIVE73yRR4
- DiveBeach-Nighttime: https://mega.co.nz/#!mkgVXDpI!fYpnCKSDk ... 8PA_EEQ7wc

Next i have a pretty cool Medieval Village scene (although this one seems to lag at times, need to optimize more)
- DiveVillage: https://mega.co.nz/#!nhIGABRZ!paXXRdD2w ... ll7QaIriDA

And last but not least, a special one for you guys. This is a VR version of Fruit Ninja that can be played using a bluetooth mouse or trackpad for swyping . I need to build out the actual game mechanics (which i will if you guys like it, let me know..thx)
- DiveFruit: https://mega.co.nz/#!r9h2RLrb!NMbrspWbE ... Zb3hTwY-Xo



Posts: 35

Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: Demos Demos Demos

by bbennett22 on Jun 8th, 2014 03:23 AM

great demos.. thank you so much!! keep them coming!! :)


Posts: 43

Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: Demos Demos Demos

by nente002 on Jun 8th, 2014 12:47 PM

Many thanks!! Keep up the great work!
It all looks very nice!


Posts: 60

Joined: 16.04.2014


by Odolwan on Jul 10th, 2014 15:35 PM

The medieval scene is very nice! You should add an auto walk function!


Posts: 8

Joined: 10.07.2014

Re: Demos Demos Demos

by dboxvr on Jul 11th, 2014 15:03 PM

These are awesome. My phone has some trouble handling them, but still great.


Posts: 116

Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: Demos Demos Demos

by dboxvr on Jul 11th, 2014 17:20 PM

Okay, I just spent some real time in these demos and they are friggin' brilliant. Did you make all of the assets yourself? Having just spent several minutes walking around in each I now wish that I had a much better phone (I have a Galaxy S3.) The toon one was the hardest for my phone to handle, but I think in spite of that, it's my favourite, with the beach being a very close second. I can't wait to see what else you're going to be doing. Thanks for sharing.


Posts: 116

Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: Demos Demos Demos

by parzival on Jul 14th, 2014 22:36 PM

Hey sorry for the delay guys.

Thanks for checking them out and your comments! So i'm pretty new to Unity , so most of these demos are using assets straight from the Unity Asset Store. I'm getting better at integrating the Durovis SDK and optimizing for mobile pretty well, but definitely wouldn't consider myself a developer (yet) :)

Let me know what you would like to see me build or update on these and i'll do my best to accomodate



Posts: 35

Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: Demos Demos Demos

by Amantis on Jul 15th, 2014 04:58 AM

Is it possible in unity to allow control with the joysticks on my gamepad? I can't turn my head fully around when I'm sitting, and it would be nice to be able to turn.

I love the beach scenes, super relaxing


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Joined: 27.06.2014

Re: Demos Demos Demos

by dboxvr on Jul 15th, 2014 06:12 AM

Several games have done that. But I don't know how they did it. But yes, it's possible.


Posts: 116

Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: Demos Demos Demos

by jjggaitan on Jul 30th, 2014 16:46 PM

Hey @parzival, where are you lately? We need more new demos from you! ;)


Posts: 27

Joined: 28.12.2013



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