Dive Board

Re: Demos Demos Demos

Re: Demos Demos Demos

by parzival on Aug 5th, 2014 07:44 AM

Hey Jiggaitan, been busy with my Oculus Dk2 lately .. But trying to free up some time and get back to Android dev soon , let me know what you would like to see

Thx mark


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Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: Demos Demos Demos

by dboxvr on Aug 5th, 2014 16:26 PM

I'm still waiting on something that will trigger my fear of heights. I keep trying to make something myself, but I'm brand new at this so so far nothing has worked out.


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Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: Demos Demos Demos

by dboxvr on Aug 5th, 2014 16:27 PM

By the way, this is a bit off topic but, do you have your DK2 yet? I'm supposed to be getting mine this month. If you do, how does the FOV compare to your Dive and does it feel a lot more immersive?


Posts: 116

Joined: 17.06.2014


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