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Re: New Demo, my SciFi game

Re: New Demo, my SciFi game

by thief6666 on Jun 11th, 2014 04:48 AM

Works for me! Great improvements. Really love setting, music, textures and monsters.

Controller is still an issue, gamepad work a bit weird but as I understood its work in progress.
I think this is really promissing project, I will gladly spend some money on it on gooleplay strore when is more complete.


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Joined: 12.04.2014

Re: New Demo, my SciFi game

by madfortech on Jun 11th, 2014 06:21 AM

Hi thief666,

Can you tell me whi h controls are not correct for you exactly and I will try my hardest to put this right for you tonight.



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Joined: 03.05.2014


Re: New Demo, my SciFi game

by thief6666 on Jun 11th, 2014 06:45 AM

I amy be wrong and may need longer testing
but the problem for me is that: lets say that I turn my head right - then my gun (aim) turns but my body stays put. So suddenly when i press walk forward I am walking sideways and I have no clues to tell which direction is my body facing.
Again I may not represent everyones opinion but I think steering like in other game form this forum Halls of Fear is really good: http://play.google.com/store/apps/detai ... allsoffear
Besically you turn you gun (aim) AND BODY when turning your head movements. So you can steer your character with full head/body movements when standing. Analog stick on game pad just duplicates that turning so you can still play and combine both controls while sited.

PS. Another potential of VR setting is that lets say your labirynth is space station. You could add windows to some walls and distant earth behind for breathtaking views like in Refugio SpaceStation etc.


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Joined: 12.04.2014

Re: New Demo, my SciFi game

by madfortech on Jun 11th, 2014 08:03 AM


Ok I think I see what you're saying, so you're controller allows you to move around ok and can you rotate the player with the right stick?
What I was trying to achieve was to be able to look around seperatly from the direction of travel. In the real world you don't always walk in the direction you look in.
In the previous version the gun was attached to the body, this was so that you knew which way the body was facing but now it is attached to the camera so you shoot where you look.
What if the gun was always attached to the body so we know which way we are facing but the gun still shoots where we look.

I will try something a bit later and put up the updated apk.

I will concentrate on the controls now before making any further game improvements, but I want the controls to be good standing up or sitting down, imagine running down a corridor and as you run past a door way you just turn your head to look in the door, this is more realistic than turning your head to simply look in that direction but your whole player turns too.



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Joined: 03.05.2014


Re: New Demo, my SciFi game

by jpslara on Jun 11th, 2014 18:28 PM

Hi, From S5 and Snakebyte idroid, the only response from gamepad is the movement of character front back letf and right, the other butons don't produce any response.
With head you can move the aim direction.


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Re: New Demo, my SciFi game

by thief6666 on Jun 12th, 2014 06:47 AM

"What if the gun was always attached to the body so we know which way we are facing but the gun still shoots where we look."

hmm what I was suggesting was that gun should be attached to the body and then stick and head movements will beasically work the same - allow to turn and aim.
Something like Quake 2 but basiall with tunring by stick enabled. But as I sais that what I like others may not agree.

But the good news is that my conmtroler is working, I can "play" the game so great progress!


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