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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by gutss on Jul 17th, 2014 23:05 PM

i cant load any file :( i can calibrate my sensors but i cant just change the folders to lookup to video files


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by devien on Jul 18th, 2014 11:03 AM

I would absolutely love to watch 3D Movies with this App!
But i just dont know how i could access them..
the smallest 3D SideBySide Movie i possess is at least 5GB big.
The Nexus file System does not seem able to handle files this big, when i try to copy it over USB it failes, same over WiFi with FTP / AirDroid.
I tried to attach a USB Device with the OTG adapter, but the Nexus says it can only read FAT32, where you also cant store files that big..
Any Ideas?


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Joined: 27.06.2014


Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by sanyol on Jul 18th, 2014 12:02 PM

you have to somehow format your sdcard to ntfs file system, then you will be able to store files that big. Easiest method is to divde movie in 2 parts and upload to sdcard.


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by mile on Jul 18th, 2014 14:01 PM

Cut the file in 2 or 3 archives


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Joined: 05.02.2014

Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by JustMeDaFaq on Jul 18th, 2014 16:23 PM

Im using exfat, works well. Tho, not all phones support exfat(im using an xperia z).

But, this app got the sd card "bug"(it isnt actually a bug), so i cant access the external sd card on my android 4.4.


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by devien on Jul 18th, 2014 18:43 PM

Unfortunatly this is no Option.. Its a Nexus 5... Has no sd card..
Any recommendations on how i Split the mkv Files into Parts without rerendering for hours?


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Joined: 27.06.2014


Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by CmoarStudio on Jul 18th, 2014 21:14 PM

Hello all Durovis Dive user :) We are the ones that have been created Cmoar Virtual Cinema :) We are prepearing big update which will resolve a lot of problems.

@Devien We will research about this problem and let you know if we found solution to this.

Thanks all for great reviews :) We will eep you informed of all the latest news about our App :)


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by izzo on Jul 20th, 2014 23:15 PM

Actually, if you phone is rooted and support CIFS (samba) mounts you can play files from your network, works great.


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by bbennett22 on Jul 21st, 2014 03:53 AM

is there anyway you can explain this in a little more detail(what app you used, etc.) that sounds pretty damn amazing!


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by jjggaitan on Jul 21st, 2014 10:13 AM

I'm suffering a slight drift, anyone else?
Appart from this, is a great app. Could you integrate in your next releases a subtitles support?


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