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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by JustMeDaFaq on Jul 22nd, 2014 10:39 AM

"dboxvr" wrote:
You have fixed the drift though, which is awesome. I wish that you would share your solution with everyone so that I can play all the games without drift.

They mentioned releasing the sdk in "a few days" on the kickstarter page. Kickstaret campaigne is running a few days now. So shouldnt take to long il think. But may ProsperGames can give us an specific estimate? =)


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by CmoarStudio on Jul 22nd, 2014 11:23 AM

We are still working on SDK but first version of SDK should be available to the end of the month :)

@dboxvr we will wait for that day ! :)
About choosing seats, please restart your phone or reinstall virtual cinema. We can choose seat from first to last row and unfortunately we cant replicate your problem :/

Can you tell us excatly what steps are you able to do and what you can't? Did you see menu on virtual screen after pointing 2sec on virtual pilot? Can you open choose seat option? Thank you for detailed information in advance :)


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by JustMeDaFaq on Jul 22nd, 2014 14:15 PM

Meh, thats why i hate to work with streaming platforms. The code ive wrote for vimeo videos just doesnt works anymore, since they changed theyre server code sometime last week.

@ProsperGames i like the idea of the 2d lense included in cmoar, so we could also play 2d games on a big screen (and of course emulators).Cross my fingers that you reach your funding goal =)


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by gutss on Jul 22nd, 2014 18:54 PM

for me still not usable :(

i can search for movies but when i select a file it send to the cinema in stereoscopic, it stay for aprox 2 seconds, then it sends me to the 2D cinema and 2 seconds later back to main menu

i wonder if this bug happens to someone else


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by CmoarStudio on Jul 22nd, 2014 20:41 PM

You can try other videos formats like mp4/mkv . What kind of phone you have? We will try to resolve this issue :)


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by gutss on Jul 22nd, 2014 23:48 PM

thanks for the fast response!

i have tried .mp4, .mkv and .avi and its the same response :(

my phone is an xperia s with 4.1 stock sony rom

and im sending a video of the bug



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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by CmoarStudio on Jul 23rd, 2014 00:20 AM

wow thanks for video ! it's really strange bug. We will inform you as soon as we solve this problem :)


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by pbu80 on Jul 23rd, 2014 16:46 PM

Awesome, good work guys.

I just tried it on my Moto X, it works flawless :).

I am yet to try it with my Opendive, will post more feed back once i do.

Once again, this the best VR cinema app out there in play store :)


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by dboxvr on Jul 23rd, 2014 17:13 PM

I am able to bring up seat selection. I can only change which seat I sit in in the front row. For example, if I am sitting in the middle and I want to move to the rear left side of the theatre I choose that seat, but I end up in the front row on the left side. I will try the re-install when I get home and see if that fixes the problem.


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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play

by Sipheren on Jul 24th, 2014 08:20 AM

I love this app but I can't use it to watch movies as it continues to slowly move off center. I have deleted it and re-installed the latest version and I still have the issue. The screen will slowly look down or rotate. Seems to be caused when I look around, its like that screws with the sensors or something.

Phone is a HTC One (M7) running ADRH 71.1



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