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Android Rift (beta test available)
Android Rift (beta test available)
by loxai on Aug 9th, 2014 00:25 AM
Hi all,
Just wanted to let you in on the project I'm currently working on: an app to emulate the Oculus Rift with your phone. I know there are combined solutions using Kainy/Splashtop and FreePie, but my app uses its own streaming solution, while also streaming back yaw/pitch/roll in an OpenTrack compatible format (for games that actually support head tracking), reducing the amount of software and configuration required and providing additional VR related features. You can have a try by downloading the beta from my site http://oddsheepgames.com/?page_id=134. Let me know if you have any problem with it, and/or your success stories
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by nente002 on Aug 9th, 2014 11:56 AM
Thank you for sharing, I'll try this out tonight! I love all these projects.
Oaky I couldn't wait so I tried, but I can't get this to work.
Can you make a little "how to guide"?
Here is what I've done: Installed the apk, extracted both zip files. Started the server the I set the correct IP address in my phone changed the port on my phone from 5555 to 7777
Then the server did see my phone but I get a screen saying waiting for game to start.
SO I guessed you just stream the game, so Started Half-life 2 but nothing. Must be something I did wrong, any tips?nente002
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by kakek on Aug 10th, 2014 18:33 PM
Awesome idea.
For my part, I was able to use the video streamer without to much difficulty. I'll give step by step instruction after.
I see the following limitations so far :
1 - Not many games support opentrack in any way. Actually, just a handfull of simulators. And none I own.
2 - When using tridef, I can use SBS video, but the ratio is kinda wrong.
I wish I could use rift-ready demos. I wonder if it would be possible to have Opentrack send the tracking informations to the game following the same protocol.
Anyway, I'll be following you work closely. Thank you for sharing it !
So, step by step instructions :
First, launch your game on your PC.
Set the resolution not above your your phone resolution.
Set the game to windowed mode. That is important, your game must run in a window. NOT fullscreen.
Lauch D3DVidserver.exe on your PC.
check that is will not be clocked by your firewall
Push the refresh button
Don't touch serverport (7777) and quality.
Set output resolution below your phone resolution.
check windowed.
Select your game in the droplist.
push the big power button on D3D Video server
on your android phone start the app.
Phone connected to wifi
Check that the IP adress point to your computer and port is still 7777
push start ...
That's it.kakek
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by AleyKsi on Aug 15th, 2014 14:13 PM
I tested it on my main PC (Intel i2500k with Geforce 560Ti).
I used USB tethering to send data to my phone, a motorola Moto X, and i must say it worked pretty well.
Half-life 2 worked damn good except for a few hiccups. I used Freepie along with your app to emulate mouse movement.
Keep up the good workAleyKsi
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by thief6666 on Aug 15th, 2014 22:13 PM
Would it be possible to describe precisely step by step how did you do USB tethering? I have nexus 4 and I am hoping to get the tethering working and try AndroidRift but dont know how to do USB tethering (I googled found something but it didnt work.)thief6666
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by TheRockeR93 on Aug 16th, 2014 21:24 PM
Really cool but lags bad on my laptop
Wish I had my Gaming PC working ;'(
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by TheRockeR93 on Aug 19th, 2014 20:28 PM
So I'm guessing this isn't 32 bit as it won't run on my 32 bit gaming pc :'(
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by 3Andron3icus3 on Aug 20th, 2014 15:43 PM
When I try to run this, everything seems to work up until the point that the phone actually connects, then the application just closes without any sort of error message, and my phone displays a slightly blurry still shot of what was on the game window at the instant it tried to connect. The app freezes up there. If you need any specs from my computer or phone just let me know.
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by loxai on Aug 22nd, 2014 08:49 AM
Hi guys,
Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. You might have seen there have been continuous updates since my first post, with multiple improvements in performance and settings. There's still a long way to go, and many UI elements are meant to change to make it easier to use, that's why instructions are limited (and often outdated).
nente: I hope the instructions provided by kakek worked for you. Let me know if you need further help
kakek: latest version integrates sensor data conversion (so OpenTrack is not required), with options for FreeTrack and mouse. The latter is not as precise as a real VR protocol (like FreeTrack) but should work for any game with mouse look. I plan to implement additional conversions to cover as many games as possible, but mouse option should cover all games that don't have VR support.
Regarding ratio, the general rule is to use 16:9 resolutions for games in stereoscopic mode (that is, the game renders two images, either natively or with TriDef/Vireio) but, if using the fake 3D mode, game resolution should be 4:3 to match as close as possible the 8:9 phone resolution (that is, 16:9 with width divided by the number of eyes... which I assume is two)
AleyKsi: glad to hear about a tethered approach working, hopefully current version doesn't need that, as performance has been improved drastically (and it is nicer to play fully wireless. And as I mentioned, mouse support is now integrated, so FreePIE shouldn't be necessary.
TheRockeR93: don't be sadI will investigate and see if I can make it work with 32bit machines
3Andron3icus3: I have no good guess as to why this might be happening. Did you manage to get it working? please provide details on configuration if not. It is best to use windowed mode, as fullscreen is not working too well.
Thank you all for your feedback and patience!loxai
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by loxai on Aug 28th, 2014 13:59 PM
Just a quick update to let you know I've just published a new version, now available on Google Play. Some nice improvements (and name change, now it's Trinus Gyre), including win32 support. It seemed to work on a virtual machine I set up, but would like confirmation... TheRockeR93?
Keep it mind the server requires Microsoft .NET 4 (which is not included by default in some versions of Windows)
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