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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by thief6666 on Aug 30th, 2014 15:34 PM
This works for me on WinXP (32bit)
And it works exceptionally well. I played Gz3doom - GREAT!.
Of course biggest limitation is laggy wireless video streaming. If you could add USB streaming
or at least include detailed manual how to do it It would be complete suite and "Rift replacement" and would be worth for me any money.
Is there any way to add this features (USB streaming) if not is it possible to do it by myself and how?thief6666
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by loxai on Aug 30th, 2014 16:03 PM
Cool! I'm going to try this Gz3Doom... no tech is worth anything unless it runs doom!
USB streaming is in the task queue, but out of curiosity, what numbers do you get (fps and ms)? and what resolution/quality are you playing with?loxai
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by thief6666 on Sep 3rd, 2014 16:48 PM
"no tech is worth anything unless it runs doom!" Heh 100% agree.
When it comes to miliseconds and lag - I dont even know how to measure/check them but lag is very noticeable. Generally AndroidRIFT is first app that let me try to play computer games (win XP machine) on DIVE.
But due to lag and poor video streaming through my WiFi I consider it more like succesfull proof-of-concept until it gets USB video streaming. Then it will be fully working suite/RIFT replacemnetworth any money (as long as it wont exceed RFIT price..)
Please keep developing this app!thief6666
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Re: Android Rift (beta test available) -- Now Trinus Gyre
by loxai on Sep 3rd, 2014 16:56 PM
Yes, current lag (about 100ms on lower quality settings) cannot be avoided because of wifi connection. Next step is adding USB streaming.
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Joined: 01.07.2013
Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by thief6666 on Sep 8th, 2014 18:24 PM
I purchased full version, this app is fabulous. However I have one problem (besides lack of USB streaming):
Could you add INVERT MOUSE option in your app working independly on in-game setting? I emulate mouse AND play using mouse and in my PC game and I have my mouse inversted (pitch). Therefore when I move head up my character is moving looking down in the game. I could invert mouse in the game but than I feel very weird because I got used to inverted control.
PS by the way you should add the full ver app name in title of your post some may dont know that adnroid rift has different name now as full app.thief6666
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Trinus Gyre (previously known as Android Rift)
by loxai on Sep 8th, 2014 18:31 PM
Not sure how to rename the thread itself... I think I can only change the current subject?
Anyway, I take note of the mouse invert option.
On the other hand, yesterday I posted the update with USB streamingloxai
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Joined: 01.07.2013
Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by thief6666 on Sep 9th, 2014 05:36 AM
Hi Loxai, the new version doesnt work for me. In both test and FULL new versions I am getting
VIDEO STREAMING ERROR: Java.net. socket timeout exception.
I am getting this using both USB and router streaming
Is there any solution?
would it be somehow possible to get older full version instead of this new? While new version added USB streaming (and its gorgeous for this 10 second before I am getting error) I would rather stick with router and working old version of TRINUS (I uninstaled old trial before I purchased and installed new full version)
PS. When it works "its still best app for PC games on DIVE.
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Joined: 12.04.2014
Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by loxai on Sep 9th, 2014 10:49 AM
I'm sorry to hear that. You say it happens a few seconds after the streaming has started? Does the screen freeze, about a second before getting the error?
I will look into it. Unfortunately, reverting back to an older version is not possible, but I'm sure we can get it fixed.
I'm centralising all the problems (and good news) on my own forum, so please join us there to see other solutions that might help you or post the issues you get: http://oddsheepgames.com/?page_id=208
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Joined: 01.07.2013
Re: Android Rift (beta test available)
by rockboyfr on Sep 13th, 2014 15:25 PM
Hi guys, i have an error in USB Tether (Galaxy S4 Android 4.4.2), i have this message : "Error etablishing video connection. Failed to connect to (port 7777) after 5000ms".
That work in Wifi, but i want USB Tether to have no lag.rockboyfr
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