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VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta test

VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta test

by JayRay on Sep 1st, 2014 14:55 PM

Hy everyone,

this week i will start a early access beta test for the full version of my VR Combat flight game.

For a small group of players, who are willing to help me testing the game, i will unlock some test accounts.

What do you get?

A full game with many hours of gameplay!


-20 challeging missions
-many different enemys (tanks, trucks, soldiers, artillerie, flak, trains, buildings, ships, enemy planes and more)
-2 kind of missions, world war one missions (double decker), world war 2 missions (p47 plane)
-many different maps
-many different goals
-you can earn medals (gold, silver, bronze) depending on your sucess.

How can i get a early access beta version of the game?

Very simple, just contact me.
You will get an invitation for a google group where you can sign in as a official beta tester for the game.
I need your google email adress, wich you are using on your smartphone to download apps in play store.
Please tell me wich phone and controller you are using.

The app will be aviable for 2.99€ on Play store!
All testers will get all updates in the future and will be mentioned in the credits!

What do i have to to as a tester?
Also very simple! you get a list of errors to check while you are playing. Further you just have to look for bugs inside the game and report them to me!
But mostly you just have to play and enjoy the game!

For all who dont know what early access beta means:
The game is close to its final state, but there are still some bugs left.
If you want to help making the game better, and you have no problem with bugs, then welcome!

Best regards,


Posts: 51

Joined: 09.02.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by dboxvr on Sep 1st, 2014 15:51 PM

If it will work on my phone I would be happy to do this.


Posts: 116

Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by jpslara on Sep 1st, 2014 17:05 PM

If you want, I can test on an Galaxy S5


Posts: 80

Joined: 27.12.2013


Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by DooM on Sep 1st, 2014 17:47 PM

Contact me if you want it to be tested on a Nexus 5 with a Snakebyte controller.


Posts: 4

Joined: 10.12.2013

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by CorvusVR on Sep 1st, 2014 20:37 PM

I can test on the S5, Note2, and an Xperia. Sign me up! CorvusVR@gmail.com


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Joined: 01.09.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by nente002 on Sep 2nd, 2014 00:30 AM

Htc m7, more then willing to test!


Posts: 60

Joined: 16.04.2014


Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by dboxvr on Sep 2nd, 2014 00:45 AM

My phone is S3. I also have a snakybyte.


Posts: 116

Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by foxingham on Sep 2nd, 2014 03:26 AM

I would like to try it, LG G2 with a Moga Pocket controller


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Joined: 02.09.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by Freakvs on Sep 2nd, 2014 07:17 AM

I will test it on my LG G3 + ps3 controller freakvs21@gmail.com


Posts: 17

Joined: 04.12.2013


Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by viktormen on Sep 2nd, 2014 09:14 AM

I can test on the Samsung GALAXY S4 + "Media-tech" controller. viktormen05@gmail.com


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Joined: 02.09.2014


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