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Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by JayRay on Sep 2nd, 2014 14:04 PM

hey all!
thank you for beeing interested in the beta test!

i send the first invitations to the tester group to you some minutes ago.

some of you forgot to tell me there google email adress.
please tell me and you also get the invitation.

Have fun while testing the game!
best regards,

There are also more testers welcome.... just contact me :)


Posts: 51

Joined: 09.02.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by foxingham on Sep 2nd, 2014 14:42 PM



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Joined: 02.09.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by killdano on Sep 2nd, 2014 23:59 PM

I'd like to test aswell: kill.dano@gmail.com


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Joined: 12.08.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by 3Andron3icus3 on Sep 3rd, 2014 01:02 AM

When I try to download the beta, it tries to charge me $4.02. I would have no problem paying for the full and polished game when it's ready, but I've never heard of paying for a beta.

Also, this was my experience with the demo:

Had a lot of trouble getting Snakebyte controls to work. Usually I attribute these kinds of issues with the fact that this particular controller can be tricky to find working apps for, but the controls appeared to be set up specifically for this controller. I eventually had to use Tincore Keymapper to map the keys of the Snakebyte and play in keyboard mode. Once into the first room where you're holding the instructions, I am unable to move forward no matter what button I hit, with every control mapped to a button.

I assume the issue is still with my controller somehow, but I figured I should let you know in case there is anything you can do on your end to help.

I'm very anxious to actually get to see the game, since I have now spent a lot of time trying to get it running only to get as far as the instructions.

I'm running an LG G2 with an i:droid Snakebyte controller and, as stated above, I use Tincore Keymapper since the Snakebyte doesn't seem to work natively for me.


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Joined: 21.07.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by JayRay on Sep 3rd, 2014 14:34 PM

"The app will be aviable for 2.99€ on Play store!"

i wrote this in the post....

Sorry if that was not clear enough for you.
I wrote in the post that it is an "early access beta" and that it is on play store for 2.99€.
Also in the invitation i told you to try the demo first before downloading the paid app.
The problem is that the google play store does not allow me to post a app for free, and later
change it to a paid app.
But you get the full produkt for the 2.99€. This game you buy gets all updates until it is complete, and
all updates after release.
If you dont want to be a tester because it is paid, no problem. You can still stay in this group and start testing
or not whenever you want.

And ro your problem with the snakebyte controller:
the game should work with the snakebyte controller. normally you dont have to change any keybindings if you start the controller in keyboard mapping mode.
Yust connect the idroid:con in keyboard mapping mode, flash 2 and 3 should be lighted.
Then start the game and select the snakebyte standard controlls or snakebyte custom controlls and the game should work propper.

If you further have any problems with the controlls please contact me again inside the beta tester group.

In the instructions room you are not able to move. just to move your head. You can swtich the missions by using the horizontal controll unit (left stick on sb idroid:con). Then press start to load a mission.

best regards,

best regards,


Posts: 51

Joined: 09.02.2014

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by kreikins on Sep 6th, 2014 17:06 PM

Galaxy Note 3 with ipega 9017 bluetooth controller here. kreikins@gmail.com


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Joined: 31.12.2013

Re: VR Combat flight world war missions (full version) beta

by nente002 on Sep 8th, 2014 12:19 PM



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