Dive Board

GravityTest demo (first Unity development for me)

GravityTest demo (first Unity development for me)

by grantcbaxter on Dec 10th, 2014 08:02 AM

Hi guys,

Just started playing around with Unity for the Dive.

I've thrown this together as a first attempt (there is some clipping and a few issues) you'll need a controller to move around, gravity and jumping physics have been changed to make it a little interesting (you'll see...)

Might want to give this one a miss if you get vertigo easily...

Let me know any thoughts / suggestions for improvements


APK -> GravityTest.apk


Posts: 18

Joined: 08.12.2013


Re: Just a quick tech demo

by andregm3 on Dec 10th, 2014 11:01 AM

rename the project package bro...its the same with the Dive Demo so it get conflicts...

Sugestion: make it multiplayer online.


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Joined: 16.10.2014

Re: Just a quick tech demo

by grantcbaxter on Dec 10th, 2014 12:03 PM

Think multiplayer is beyond me (for now, give me time), there would need to be player interaction, guessing shooting or racing (VR deathmatch would be cool!).



Posts: 18

Joined: 08.12.2013


Re: Just a quick tech demo

by grantcbaxter on Dec 10th, 2014 12:26 PM

Ok, think I figured it out, the APK and the link above have been updated, did that correct the problem?



Posts: 18

Joined: 08.12.2013


Re: GravityTest demo (first Unity development for me)

by bazz12345 on Dec 10th, 2014 20:42 PM

cool demo so far , camera is very low to the ground though

i had a quick jump around :D

i would like if you can add a fly option (example when the jump button is pressed/hold for more than few seconds then fly/continue acceleration)

what do you plan on adding in the next update

tested it on galaxy s4 with ps3 controller


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Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: GravityTest demo (first Unity development for me)

by grantcbaxter on Dec 11th, 2014 10:44 AM

Let me see about raising the camera, might get the chance to to this today.

I'll also take a look at a flying mode, maybe add some more content to the level then.

With regards to the next update, this is really more of a learning experience for me with Unity, guess I'll take it as far as a can but it may take a while to get it up to a good stage. Would be really cool if I could get a car / plane / helicopter setup that you could walk into once in game...think that may be a bit down the road though.

Would love to get multiplayer going with this, combined with the car / plane / helicopter and guns...hmmm...that sounds good to me...(if it does get that far, then it would be begging for voice chat and teams...)



Posts: 18

Joined: 08.12.2013


Re: GravityTest demo (first Unity development for me)

by bazz12345 on Dec 11th, 2014 13:26 PM

"grantcbaxter" wrote:
Let me see about raising the camera, might get the chance to to this today.

I'll also take a look at a flying mode, maybe add some more content to the level then.

With regards to the next update, this is really more of a learning experience for me with Unity, guess I'll take it as far as a can but it may take a while to get it up to a good stage. Would be really cool if I could get a car / plane / helicopter setup that you could walk into once in game...think that may be a bit down the road though.

Would love to get multiplayer going with this, combined with the car / plane / helicopter and guns...hmmm...that sounds good to me...(if it does get that far, then it would be begging for voice chat and teams...)


cool well on multiplayer side you should ask the guy who made space arena can you use his code viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2617 because he used unity also.

ye if you can fix camera today that would be cool :)


Posts: 25

Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: GravityTest demo (first Unity development for me)

by grantcbaxter on Dec 11th, 2014 15:18 PM

Ok, APK has been updated, think I've fixed the height of the player issue (let me know if you think that's better), the scale on one of the models may be a little off ;) just a bit...

Thanks for the tip on spacearena, I'll get it touch with him, think I've still got a lot of stuff to learn before I'm ready for that though...


Posts: 18

Joined: 08.12.2013


Re: GravityTest demo (first Unity development for me)

by bazz12345 on Dec 11th, 2014 17:23 PM

"grantcbaxter" wrote:
Ok, APK has been updated, think I've fixed the height of the player issue (let me know if you think that's better), the scale on one of the models may be a little off ;) just a bit...

Thanks for the tip on spacearena, I'll get it touch with him, think I've still got a lot of stuff to learn before I'm ready for that though...

tested out the new version

still to low to the ground in my opinion

yes the scale of the jeep is off its massive, but still cool i jumped into the jeep and was like a ant looking up at the stearing wheel :)


Posts: 25

Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: GravityTest demo (first Unity development for me)

by grantcbaxter on Dec 11th, 2014 20:51 PM

Thought you might like that...I'll raise the player up a bit more but won't have access to Unity until Sunday, did you manage to get up to the machine gun?


Posts: 18

Joined: 08.12.2013



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