Dive Board

My Lego Dive

My Lego Dive

by Metin on Aug 9th, 2013 03:32 AM

If you don't have a 3D printer like me you can build it out of your old Lego! I have build mine because I can't wait for the Oculus Rift.

You can slide in a Galaxy S3 from the side. On the other side is a hole for headphones. I'm very satisfied with the lenses but right now it has the tunnel effect. The reason for that is that I can't get my eyes close enough to the lenses because my big nose collides with the device. I have to work on that part and my more room so it fits.




Posts: 4

Joined: 09.08.2013

Re: My Lego Dive

by rudemom on Aug 9th, 2013 07:50 AM

Great work and a good alternative for anybody without 3D printer - keep us posted about fixing the tunnel issue!


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Joined: 30.06.2013

Re: My Lego Dive

by kwx on Aug 9th, 2013 19:40 PM

In case it helps, I posted some formulas for estimating the field of view based on your lens setup on the mtbs3d forum:

http://www.mtbs3d.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p ... 1c#p139612

The key point is to get the lenses as close to your eyes as possible, and that pretty much means you need to have a nose cutout. Beware of LEGO brick corners digging into your nose.


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Joined: 19.07.2013

Re: My Lego Dive

by Metin on Aug 10th, 2013 04:37 AM

Thanks for the advices! Here is the update. I figured out that 3 wheels are enough to hold a lens. Now the effect is much better and I'm satisfied with the product.

I'd say it's finished!




Posts: 4

Joined: 09.08.2013

Re: My Lego Dive

by FabulousPixel on Aug 10th, 2013 13:20 PM

Easy and quick solution.
Congratulation and nice work!


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Joined: 17.07.2013

Re: My Lego Dive

by ensonic on Aug 20th, 2013 13:15 PM

How do you adjust the lens? I am asking because I just sat down this morning and tried to construct some mechanics to adjust the lenses out of technincs pieces. Need to try rubber-bands to add some friction, as my models won't keep the lenses in-places once they are adjusted. After all that my issue with the model from the 3d printer as well.
Do you have a lego digital designer file for your build?


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Joined: 11.07.2013

Re: My Lego Dive

by Metin on Aug 20th, 2013 13:32 PM

No, I don't have a digital file. And there is no mechanism to adjust the lenses. I just figured out what the perfect distance was for my eyes. Actually I destroyed it and built a complete new Dive. I can post some pictures in the evening.


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Joined: 09.08.2013

Re: My Lego Dive

by ensonic on Aug 21st, 2013 10:43 AM

I built one too: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117815039340859210765/posts/heChfWpnkpH. Not yet happy with the distance between eyes and lenses. Also the lego technics pieces get quite close to the eyes.


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Joined: 11.07.2013

Re: My Lego Dive

by kencessna on Nov 27th, 2013 10:38 AM

Wow, beautiful! :)


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Joined: 19.11.2013


Re: My Lego Dive

by timothysykes on Mar 7th, 2023 15:15 PM

Wow, this is a really good way to solve the eggy car issue. I appreciate you sharing it. ovo game


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Joined: 06.03.2023


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