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Samsung Galaxy Note N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note N7100

by ThomasS on Aug 15th, 2013 12:20 PM

Working! :-)

(I don't have the lenses by now, but the movement tracking looks o.k.)

BTW: I have connected a "Logitech RumblePad 2" via USB OTG cable. Seems to work all right (also I have not found the fire button so far).


Posts: 5

Joined: 14.08.2013

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note N7100

by OmegaNexusMx on Aug 23rd, 2013 19:17 PM

I also have a Note n7000. And I just got a pair of bi-convex (50mm diameter, 1000mm focal distance) lenses from Amazon.
They work perfectly fine and are quite cheap :D


Posts: 2

Joined: 23.08.2013

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note N7100

by MUFILER on Sep 4th, 2023 11:39 AM

It is good that we can discuss such topics and learn new points of view.


Posts: 25

Joined: 04.09.2023