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What is the best smartphone one can use?

What is the best smartphone one can use?

by Gerald on Nov 27th, 2013 11:06 AM

I have ordered a Dive and wonder what phone is best to use. I do have a Note 2, but expect about the same experience as with the Oculus Rift - what I would like is a higher resolution.
So far I have zero experience with gyroscopes etc. and do not know if there are relevant differences (except for them not being there).

So what is the best smartphone one can get today?

And is there maybe something in the near future announced that would be worth waiting for?


Posts: 4

Joined: 26.11.2013


Re: What is the best smartphone one can use?

by FabianKoch on Nov 27th, 2013 23:35 PM

I also have a Note2. I have tested several phones to play with the Dive and can recommend the Galaxy S4 and the HTC ONE.
Both have the best displays on the market(Full HD and 4,7";). I have found no difference with the gyro. Even on older devices.


Posts: 6

Joined: 14.11.2013

Re: What is the best smartphone one can use?

by Gerald on Nov 28th, 2013 01:42 AM

Thanks Fabian - I searched the web a bit and so far I wasn't able to find anything with a higher resolution available or with a release date/window. So 1080p seems to be the way to go at the moment.
I guess I stay with Samsung and get the S4 - but first I want my Dive :)


Posts: 4

Joined: 26.11.2013


Re: What is the best smartphone one can use?

by TobiasClaren on Jan 2nd, 2014 23:42 PM

Hello / Hallo.

4 "can not work. Too small.
I have started Durovis Dive on the Galaxy S (1).
He reports the missing Gyro. OK.
There are two green spots with triangle in the middle.
These are 4.35 cm interpupillary distance (triangle to triangle). That does not exist. Possibly in young children.

Perfect would be 5.9 ".
That's 13cm screen width.
The interpupillary distance is 6.5 cm.

Only 5.9 "is perfect?!
Less diagonal, and the triangles are too close together ("squint", esophoria).
More diagonal, and the triangles diverge (exophoria).

5.9 "has the Huawei Ascend Mate., But this has no gyroscope.

What is the Best Smartphone for Dive or SBS?

Can I drag the images apart?
A black bar between two images.
Can I change the pictures on the display of my eye distance?
That would make sense. Especially for larger display (larger than 5.9 ";).
And to adjust the 3D image to the interpupillary distance.
Little more than 5.9 "would offer the freedom of change.


4" kann nicht funktionieren. Zu klein.
Ich habe Durovis Dive auf dem Galaxy-S (1) gestartet.
Er meldet den fehlenden Gyro. OK.
Da sind zwei Grüne Flecken mit Dreieck in der Mitte.
Das sind 4,35cm Augenabstand (Dreick zu Dreick). Das gibt es nicht. Eventuell bei kleinen Kindern.

Perfekt wäre 5,9".
Das ist 13cm Bildschirmbreite.
Das ist Augenabstand 6,5cm.

Nur 5,9" ist perfekt?!
Weniger Diagonale, und die Dreiecke stehen zu eng zusammen ("Schielen", Esophorie).
Mehr Diagonale, und die Dreiecke gehen auseinander (Exophorie).

5,9" hat das Huawei Ascend Mate. Das hat aber kein Gyroskop.

Was ist das beste Smartphone für Dive bzw. SBS?

Kann ich die Bilder auseinander ziehen?
Ein schwarzer Balken zwischen beiden Bildern.
Kann ich die Bilder auf dem Display meinem Augenabstand anpassen?
Das wäre sinnvoll. Besonders für größere Display (größer als 5,9";).
Und zur Anpassung des 3D-Bildes zum Augenabstand.
Etwas mehr als 5,9" böte die Freiheit der Veränderung.


Posts: 2

Joined: 02.01.2014


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