Dive Board

Why is Dive flexible

Why is Dive flexible

by Stefan on Dec 11th, 2013 01:00 AM

Dive is a soft gadged. It is intentionally designed to be flexible but still strong to be very durable.
It is made from a material that does not break. It is build to withstand taking it with you on the go in a dive bag, or throwing it into your backpack taking it with you.


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Joined: 30.06.2013


Re: Why is Dive flexible

by âmnda on Jun 24th, 2022 09:13 AM

That's exactly its function we become what we behold


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Joined: 24.06.2022

Re: Why is Dive flexible

by arletamiri8 on Aug 9th, 2024 09:19 AM

[size=3]The 49ers starter jacket’s adjustable attire suggests that you can wear it with jeans shorts or even sweatpants its easygoing piece that works with different looks and occasions.[/size]


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