Dive Board

OpenDive with IR LEDs for positional tracking

OpenDive with IR LEDs for positional tracking

by sven on Jan 8th, 2014 18:38 PM


is anyone here good with 3D editing and thinks she/he can modify the OpenDive to have some room for IR LEDs? That way we could try to do positional tracking like OculusVR does with the Crystal Cove prototype:

The IR LEDs get tracked by an external camera connected to a PC. The tracking program (for example http://www.free-track.net/english/ ) would then transmit the coordinates to the smartphone inside the OpenDive.


Posts: 14

Joined: 02.07.2013

Re: OpenDive with IR LEDs for positional tracking

by Relys on Jul 11th, 2014 21:31 PM

I just built a IR LED three point model and attached it to my dive. I also created a IR camera using an old PS3Eye. I'm using FaceTrackNoIR.

It would be nice to modify the STL source to have holders for the LEDS, battery pack and switch. That's not really my area and I don't have a 3D printer myself.

This setup is way better (and cheaper) than the OR DK1. :P


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Joined: 11.07.2014

Re: OpenDive with IR LEDs for positional tracking

by rebit on Oct 13th, 2014 09:59 AM

Why using sensors if can be by software ? CPU usage or latency ?

Look this:

and this:



Posts: 15

Joined: 08.10.2014

Re: OpenDive with IR LEDs for positional tracking

by Neha on Oct 27th, 2023 09:50 AM

No any sign in here free text twist play now this game.


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Joined: 27.10.2023


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