Dive Board

IOS Support

IOS Support

by sdplayer on Feb 7th, 2014 20:26 PM

With my Dive about to arrive in a few days I'm a little concerned there's currently only 3 apps (I know of) for the IOS platform. I've fruitlessly searched the web for info on forthcoming iPhone games and apps but it seems Android is getting all the attention!

Anyone know of any looming IOS developments, or are most developers interested solely in 1080p phones!



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Re: IOS Support

by sdplayer on Feb 8th, 2014 11:13 AM

Correction, I've just discovered a (4th) app/game in the app store called 'GyroTroller'. Priced at £2.49, it appears to be a 3D space shooter that supports split screen for VR devices. Screenshots look ok.

As I don't yet have my hardware has anyone played this game on the Dive?


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Joined: 07.02.2014

Re: IOS Support

by CraicDesign on Mar 15th, 2014 18:59 PM

I added split-screen view to my iPhone astronomy app "Pocket Universe".

Let me know if you would like a redeem code to try it when you get the viewing hardware.


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Re: IOS Support

by Checksum on Mar 16th, 2014 11:59 AM

You can try 3dtube to play 3dmovie from YouTube or your grabbed DVD.
I also have Tuscany demo and quake1 running on iphone.
I don't put it on iTunes for legal reason (quake is just shareware and Tuscany, I don't know the license)
(If someone want to try and can sign or run unsigned code ex jailbreak, I can post it)
I also an equivalent of gyrotroller but to respect the creator or gyrotroller I keep for me (good easy demo of vr, I recommend for beginner)
I also some project ongoing, like camera view with some overlay (look like ironman ,robocop).

I want also make some driver they will simulate oculus with dive, for playing all oculus stuff with dive.


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Re: IOS Support

by Evildime on Mar 17th, 2014 13:52 PM

If someone want to try and can sign or run unsigned code ex jailbreak, I can post it

I would be happy to try the tuscany demo and quake on my iPhone. I didn't had the time to port it myself.


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Re: IOS Support

by Amok on Mar 17th, 2014 14:37 PM

I d like to get the Demos you have too please.

Which Controller do you use my iPhone is Able to install unsigned Signatures


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Re: IOS Support

by Checksum on Mar 25th, 2014 10:21 AM

This is the tuscany demo for iPhone, https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5jsu1zabyf0aba/toscany.ipa

It use a iCade controller for movement. I use this one http://www.ipega.hk/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid=11%3Aiphone&id=1051%3Apg-9017&Itemid=4&lang=en
But I think any iCade will work.

If you don't have iCade controller, you can use a second iPhone/iPad/Android (any multitouch device with browser that support the multitouch) and open http://x.x.x.x:8080 ( where x.x.x.x is the ip of the iPhone that run tuscany. Then use your finger on the device to move ([color=#FF0000:3s95kw97]WARNING[/color:3s95kw97]) this web controller is at very early development stage, eventually I will put on unity store for a low price (like 1$).

Quake will follow soon too ...


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Re: IOS Support

by Checksum on Mar 25th, 2014 11:16 AM

This is quake1 for IOS
But it not really finish but I post now because it will take time before I work again on this.
( I work on something else that you will love more than quake and it will be a never seen on Dive at so much low cost )


The principal problem is sometime the button on screen to start game don't shown. in this case press upper left to show menu and lower right to press enter ( it will start new game ), Arrow to select in the menu are in the middle down. I know it not easy, maybe I will fix later ... maybe not.

Minor problem, menus, popup etc ... are in 2D.

The controller is a iCade controller.


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Re: IOS Support

by JayRay on Mar 25th, 2014 17:09 PM

i think most of the developers for dive games are people who build games as an hobby. and it seems that most of them own android devices.


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Re: IOS Support

by Checksum on Mar 25th, 2014 18:03 PM

People that develop with unity can release for android and iOS without too much pain.
I know to compile iOS you need a Mac (or VMware ...)
Anyway if some unity Devs want to see there work on iOS, I can give a help (compile stuff and test)


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