Dive Board

what the best adhesive would be for securely attaching the camera mount

what the best adhesive would be for securely attaching the camera mount

by www.stickyaides.com on Sep 6th, 2023 09:31 AM

I'm excited about the potential for virtual reality with the Durovis Dive, but was wondering what the best adhesive would be for securely attaching the camera mount. I did some research and it seems like Loctite 515 or Loctite 518 would be good anaerobic flange sealant options.

Loctite 515 is better for general use on all metals, while Loctite 518 is optimized for aluminum but cures faster. Since the Durovis Dive has aluminum housing, 518 may be the better fit. This website has a great in-depth comparison of Loctite 515 vs 518 for reference: loctite 515 vs 518

Has anyone tried attaching their Durovis Dive camera with these Loctite anaerobic sealants? I'm curious to hear your experience and if you'd recommend one over the other. Proper adhesion is critical for VR, so I want to make sure the camera mount is secured properly.


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Re: what the best adhesive would be for securely attaching the camera mount

by smmworld on Sep 14th, 2023 08:26 AM

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Re: what the best adhesive would be for securely attaching the camera mount

by mudasir5454 on Oct 7th, 2023 18:40 PM

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Re: what the best adhesive would be for securely attaching the camera mount

by arhum on Feb 5th, 2024 17:52 PM

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