Dive Board

What are the maximum size that a phone can be ?

What are the maximum size that a phone can be ?

by bmx22c on Aug 10th, 2014 02:14 AM

Hello, I'm french and I'm new to the forum :)

I'm really interested in the Dive headset but I have a question. So, what are the maximum size that a phone can be to fit in the Dive ?

Because, I have a OnePlus One and it's a big phone !



Posts: 2

Joined: 10.08.2014

Re: What are the maximum size that a phone can be ?

by cerchez07 on Aug 11th, 2014 14:20 PM

In order to fit, you will have to manually modify the dive. The top size is around 5-5.2".


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Joined: 11.04.2014


Re: What are the maximum size that a phone can be ?

by bmx22c on Aug 11th, 2014 14:30 PM

My phone is about 75.9mm wide. And 152.9mm long.


Posts: 2

Joined: 10.08.2014

Re: What are the maximum size that a phone can be ?

by ward rose on Jun 17th, 2022 11:51 AM

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ward rose

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Re: What are the maximum size that a phone can be ?

by smmworld on Aug 18th, 2022 08:53 AM

The ideal phone size for someone with little hands would be one that is 5.5 inches.
The ideal smartphone size for someone with an average hand size would be 5.8 or 6 inches.
Smartphones with a screen size of 6.25 or 6.4 inches would work for you if your hand size is above average.
SMM Panel Pakistan would advise you to visit a store. Decide which size of the smartphone is best for you by holding it in your hand and using it for a while.
Keep in mind that a phone that is too small may spoil your experience watching media. smmworld


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Re: What are the maximum size that a phone can be ?

by anna on Sep 28th, 2022 04:57 AM

Thank you for your post foodle. I have read through several similar topics! However, your article gave me a very special impression, unlike other articles. I hope you continue to have valuable articles like this or more to share with everyone!


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