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by captainbenis on Dec 8th, 2014 06:20 AM

Hey all,

SceneVR is a markup language for creating multiplayer 3d scenes. It is written in javascript and uses webGL in your browser to view the scenes. I have rudimentary mobile support, and am working on integrating diveSDK support at the moment. It's all opensource, and I'd love your help if you're interested in testing or giving feedback.



Posts: 13

Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by bazz12345 on Dec 8th, 2014 13:17 PM

hello there, so its a game engine for 3d vr scene using web browser??

im not a developer so woud not be of much use to you, but would be happy to test demo for you or a scene , let me know :D


Posts: 25

Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 8th, 2014 22:17 PM

Yup, it's for creating 3d scenes and simple games in the web browser. :)

If you're reasonably technical you can follow the getting started instructions and report how you get on!


Once you've got scenevr installed and running, you can edit the scenes and your browser will reload the changes automatically.

Let me know how it goes.


Posts: 13

Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by bazz12345 on Dec 10th, 2014 01:45 AM

hello i tried installing ran into a few problems though.

i added some log info onto a pastebin thing if you could take a look when you get a chance please :D



Posts: 25

Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 10th, 2014 02:03 AM

Hey thanks for the bug report! I'll take a look at it tonight when I get home. Can I ask what version of windows and cpu you're using? Are you an administrator on your box?


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Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by bazz12345 on Dec 10th, 2014 02:52 AM

Hi im using windows 8 and 1.4ghz dualcore cpu and i didnt run the boxes as admin

Also your instructions where a bit different than what i had to do

You say download node and npm but npm gets installed with node well atleast it did for me from node website.

And i also had to download git to be able to use the git commands to download the files from github

Hopefully you can help me get it working :D


Posts: 25

Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: SceneVR

by agnostic on Dec 10th, 2014 15:58 PM

Hey, I was working on this project:

To control three.js mobile games from your computer via websockets!


Posts: 14

Joined: 02.11.2014


Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 10th, 2014 21:48 PM

Ah cool! I've got mobile support in SceneVR at the moment, using two thumbsticks to control movement. It runs at a solid 60fps on an iPhone 5! :)


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Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by bazz12345 on Dec 10th, 2014 22:51 PM

"captainbenis" wrote:
Ah cool! I've got mobile support in SceneVR at the moment, using two thumbsticks to control movement. It runs at a solid 60fps on an iPhone 5! :)

hello just wondering did you have a chance to look at the pastbin error i posted

also i tried unistalling/reinstalling the web server that seems to be the main error didnt fix the problem please help :D


Posts: 25

Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 11th, 2014 00:01 AM

Sorry I was out late last night and haven't been able to get to my windows PC. I'll let you know once I get to debug it. :)


Posts: 13

Joined: 08.12.2014


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