Dive Board

Re: SceneVR

Re: SceneVR

by bazz12345 on Dec 12th, 2014 00:09 AM

yes i got it working now :D , the getting started section on the website says just type "scenevr ./scenes/" but i had to change to the scenevr directory then type that.

anyways i will try messing around with it over the next few days and ill let you know how i get on with it


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Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: SceneVR

by jjg on Jan 17th, 2015 04:49 AM

Ben, this is very interesting.

I played with the demo a little on an iPhone 5s and it was very responsive. How is the Dive support coming along? I see that there are JavaScript apis for gyro & accelerometer input in mobile safari (perhaps chrome, etc. as well) so it should at least be possible :)

If I could write apps for the dive without having to deal with the whole Unity/iOS App Store/etc. workflow that would be awesome!

Let me know where things are at and I may be able to lend a hand with the JavaScript/node.js stuff.

- Jason


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Joined: 24.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by jjg on Jan 17th, 2015 16:11 PM

I did a little experimenting with SceneVR last night (setup a server, edited a scene, etc.) and it's a very cool piece of kit, nice work Ben! Moreover, if it can do all of the things I anticipate it can (typical javascript web things) it has some very serious potential.

That said, I want to throw my energy into getting it working with the Dive before going to far off on a tangent :)

I'm a bit of a noob with the WebVR stuff but I did some reading of the code and other research last night and I *think* the right way to go about this is to create a Javacript library that presents an interface to the Dive in the form of the HMDVRDevice and PositionSensorVRDevice objects that are exposed when something like an Occulus is connected to a WebVR-supporting build of Firefox or Chrome. A nice side-effect of this is that not only would the Dive work with the existing WebVR device support in SceneVR, it could work either directly (or with a little modification) with any other software that supports WebVR.

So, what I have in mind is a Javascript "shim" if you will that reads the existing browser javascript API's for accelerator, compass, etc. and then encapsulates, translates and exposes them via objects that match the API spec for HMDVDDevice and PositionSensorVRDevice, potentially registering itself in the same navigator array (not sure if you can extend that or not, looking into it).

Right now I'm looking for the definitions of these two WebVR objects so I can start building ones that expose the attributes of the Dive. I'm trying to avoid reverse-engineering Firefox to do so, so if anyone has examples of what these look like (I'd just dump a test from the browser but I don't have a HMD that generates them :) please share or point me to the specification.

Once this works we might even be able to get "official" browser support for it (at least as official as any VR device support is), especially since it uses sensor API's that already exist in the browser's javascript API.

Also I'm not sure if this work is already underway, and if so, again, pointers appreciated :) I doesn't look too terribly difficult, just a matter of encapsulating the brains of the Unity plug-in in a javascript object that is compatible with the ones emmitted when something like an Occulus is present.

Anyway, any feedback is appreciated, and if there's a better place to discuss this Ben let me know, thanks!

- Jason


Posts: 3

Joined: 24.12.2014

Re: Re: SceneVR

by PopiSc on Dec 26th, 2022 07:50 AM

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Re: SceneVR

by titoj14898 on Oct 17th, 2023 19:52 PM

[color=#374151][size=3][font=Söhne, ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]This sounds awesome! I'm really interested in SceneVR and the potential it holds for creating interactive 3D scenes. The fact that it's open source is [color=#000000][size=2][font=Arial]Branch Code[/font][/size][/color] fantastic. I'd be happy to test it out and provide feedback, especially on the mobile and diveSDK support. Keep up the great work![/font][/size][/color]


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