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Re: SceneVR

Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 11th, 2014 00:02 AM

Hey, looking over your pastebin - try this:

npm install -g coffee-script

And then coffee server.coffee should work! :)


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Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 11th, 2014 00:08 AM

I made a github issue to fix up the installation instructions on windows, based on your experience. :)


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Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 11th, 2014 01:02 AM

I just published a new version of the server that fixes a few bugs and adds chat.

npm install -g scenevr

Again to get the newest version :)


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Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by bazz12345 on Dec 11th, 2014 01:19 AM

yes its working now thanks, really cool so far

im getting good fps on phone and laptop

tested in browser on my laptop... took me a good few mins to figure out how to access from my phone

i found the ip that my laptop was connected to and typed that and then :9000 (example not my ip 188.565.1.54:9000 )

when i try connect with my phone it wont let me " click to join " (stock android browser, google chrome app) i have my controller mapped properly also

but when i type on my phone in chat box im then able to move around but only left right up down no mouse control for turning
(also chat box stays on screen )

i will try and mess around with the scenes fully tomorrow

any solutions for the chatbox staying on screen


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Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: SceneVR

by bazz12345 on Dec 11th, 2014 01:22 AM

"captainbenis" wrote:
I just published a new version of the server that fixes a few bugs and adds chat.

npm install -g scenevr

Again to get the newest version :)

just seen this post after i posted mine

ok cool i will download new version tomorrow , any thoughts on my previous post in the meantime ;)


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Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 11th, 2014 01:49 AM

The mobile support isn't in the master branch. In scenevr-web, type:

git checkout mobile

And then reload from your phone, you'll get two thumb sticks. You can't click on links on mobile at the moment (relevant issue), but that'll be coming soon.

To go back to the master branch when you're done testing on mobile:

git checkout master

I haven't got gamepad api support hooked up yet (my bluetooth gamepad hasn't arrived yet), but there's an issue to support it.

Thanks for testing it out! :) Have you tried editing any of the scenes yet?


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Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by bazz12345 on Dec 11th, 2014 02:05 AM

Cool i will try to test mobile version a bit later, i will read all documantation tomorrow.

Just one more quick question before i go to sleep . Does this need a special server to run online or could i host on root of any website.

or is it designed to be run from computer only

sorry for all noob questions :)



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Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 11th, 2014 02:10 AM

It requires the special node.js server. You should be able to host it for free using the heroku (or nodejitsu) hosting service, I'll experiment more with that over the coming weeks, but for now you can host it from home. :)


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Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: SceneVR

by bazz12345 on Dec 11th, 2014 13:17 PM

"captainbenis" wrote:
It requires the special node.js server. You should be able to host it for free using the heroku (or nodejitsu) hosting service, I'll experiment more with that over the coming weeks, but for now you can host it from home. :)

downloaded the new version :D

chat is working
i also tested out the mobile version on screen contols work good (chat box dissapears from screen on my phone though)

also i have no idea what im supposed to do to change the scene
so can you please give me a example of how to change scene from first scene to another demo scene

i should be able to figure it out from there hopefully :lol:


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Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: SceneVR

by captainbenis on Dec 11th, 2014 23:43 PM

I replied on twitter, but if you're serving the index scene correctly, you should see a bunch of boxes with links to the next scenes. Click the orange orb to load the linked scene :)


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Joined: 08.12.2014